Geosmart Middle East
24-25th November 2016 Venue: Novotel Amsterdam City, Amsterdam, Netherlands

OGC results session: Piloting OGC and bSI standards in Smart Cities

The Future City Pilot Phase 1 (FCP1) is an OGC Interoperability Program initiative, in collaboration with bSI. This pilot existed within the context of the Geospatial and Built Environment, seeking to understand the ‘state of play’ of current interoperability arrangements. Multiple scenarios were setup, based on real-world requirements put forward by the pilot sponsors (Sant Cugat del Vallès [Barcelona], Spain; Ordnance Survey Great Britain; VirtualCitySYSTEMS GmbH Berlin; and Institut National de l'Information Géographique et Forestière [IGN], France). The scenario focused on the interoperability between IFC and CityGML, as well as ‘dynamising’ CityGML using sensor readings and city flooding.

In this session, Bart De Lathouwer will present the results of FCP1, through demonstrations of the various scenarios along with in-depth analysis of the successes and issues encountered in each. You will learn from the pilot participants (University of Munich, University of Melbourne, and Remote Sensing Solutions, San Diego) about the architectures, the tools used, and how they solved specific problems.The results of the pilot are fed into the standards programs of the OGC and bSI (through public Engineering Reports and in-depth debriefings) with the dual purpose of promoting the use of standards while also accelerating the process of creating and improving them.